Christine Weise - Bologna (Italy) - Conference Interpreter and Translator - German, English, Italian

Successful Events with Interpreters – How to Choose for Greater Efficiency!

The right words can make a big difference – especially at multilingual international events.
Your words reveal much about your personality and style, as well as your company’s corporate culture. They can cause unexpected problems, but also lead to success.

A professional interpreter can make all the difference here.
With cultural, linguistic, and technical expertise, he or she can ensure the success of your communication at an international multilingual event. Strict confidentiality of sensitive information is, of course, part of every interpreter’s professional ethics.


Choosing the Right Interpretation Method

When preparing for a successful international multilingual event, choosing the appropriate form of interpretation plays an important role. Whether simultaneous, consecutive, or whispered interpretation or RSI is the right choice depends not only on the number of participants but also on the communication situation and the event program.
The choice of working languages for multilingual international meetings should be discussed with the expert (i.e., interpreter), as well as the question of technical equipment and the setup of booths.

I am happy to assist you with qualified advice: through my many years of experience as a conference interpreter, I can draw on a network of competent colleagues throughout Italy, with whom I organize teams for any language requirement.
For your next multilingual international event in the greater Bologna area, elsewhere in Italy, or in another European country – simply request a quote!


Simultaneous Interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation is used at most multilingual conferences.
The advantage of simultaneous interpretation is that the translation reaches the listeners immediately and requires no additional time.

While interpreters work in soundproof booths with headphones and microphones, their voices are transmitted via radio or infrared transmitters in the room to individual receivers through which listeners can hear the translation.

Listening, understanding, and reproducing what is heard in a calm voice in appropriate language simultaneously: this seems unimaginably difficult to many people.

For experienced simultaneous interpreters, simultaneity is completely unproblematic; they are accustomed to switching to maximum concentration as soon as they are on air.


Consecutive Interpreting

Consecutive interpreting is more time-consuming and therefore less frequently used.
However, it is often referred to as the noblest form of interpreting.
A good consecutive interpreter impresses her listeners with her excellent memory and competent presence in front of the audience.
Using a special note-taking technique, experienced interpreters can reproduce quite long speeches (up to 15-20 minutes) in full.
Often, however, shorter pieces are translated to avoid long pauses for the listeners.
This form of interpreting is also popular for international meetings in smaller groups.


Online or Remote Interpreting

A relatively new development in the market for multilingual international events is so-called remote interpreting or online interpreting, known in professional jargon as RSI (Remote Simultaneous Interpreting).
In this case, the interpreters are not present at the event location but are connected to the conference via an internet platform and interpret simultaneously, either in their own office or together with other interpreters in a so-called interpreting hub.
It is important that the image and sound transmission from the conference location is of the quality required for interpreting and that the team organization functions perfectly – preferably with the help of an experienced team leader.
Read also: Which platform is right for you?

Look up: Remote interpreting and 5 basic rules for multilingual web conferences with simultaneous interpreters


Working Conditions

It is important in conference interpreting that the framework conditions are right:

  • Good acoustics without disturbing background noise

  • Adequate preparation opportunities (including access to speech texts and presentations in advance, if available)

  • Disciplined speakers who know how to use a microphone

As a consulting interpreter, I can rely on a network of competent colleagues and put together the right team for every conference. In doing so, I pay attention not only to the language combination but also to experience in the respective field and the distance of the conference location from the professional domicile.


Whispered Interpreting (also: Chuchotage)

Whispered interpreting is only used for short periods and with a very small number of listeners (maximum 3) (or possibly with a tour guide system).
It is very demanding for interpreters, as it requires the same concentration as simultaneous interpreting, but the framework conditions are much less favorable.


Liaison Interpreting

The successful conclusion of a negotiation can be of great importance for the future of a company or for diplomatic relations between two states; an in-depth interview with a star guest or politician is a valuable basis for a successful TV or radio program.
In such cases, conference interpreters are often preferred to pure conversation or negotiation interpreters, as they normally have higher professional qualifications.


Which Form of Interpreting is Best Suited for Your Event?

The advantage of consecutive interpreting over simultaneous interpreting is the lower cost: depending on the program, one interpreter can do the job alone, and no simultaneous equipment needs to be procured.
However, with consecutive interpreting, the speaking time doubles, as the full content is not reproduced simultaneously with the presentation, but only afterwards.
Under certain circumstances, e.g., when accompanying a group, a tour guide system may also be the right choice.


Ask for Advice!

Before making a final decision regarding interpretation organization and technical equipment, you should definitely consult with an experienced interpreter and weigh the pros and cons of the various solutions.
This is the only way to ensure an efficient process and the best possible communication for all participants at your multilingual international event.