Christine Weise - Bologna (Italy) - Conference Interpreter and Translator - German, English, Italian


Christine Weise – Conference Interpreter – Translator – Bologna

German – English – Italian – French


… Global English … is not enough for Global Business …

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter.
’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”
Mark Twain


A German interpreter in Italy

In 1987, a few months after having earned my degree in Conference Interpreting (English and Italian) at Mainz University (Germersheim Faculty for Applied Linguistics) I moved to Bologna, Italy, and have been working as a free-lance conference interpreter and translator ever since. My native language is German.  Some years after my degree, I added French as a passive working language (C-language).

Working for the European Institutions

In 2003, I took the SCIC-exam and was accredited as a free-lance conference interpreter with the Interpreting Service of the European Union (GD SCIC). 

belgium-3595351_640 Consecutive interpreting

My work as a Free-lance Interpreter

One of the most interesting aspects of my job is working in lots of different places and getting to know countless different situations: ministerial press briefings, extremely confidential bilateral contract negotiations, medical conferences with more than 1000 doctors in the audience, highly technical factory visits with foreign engineers as well as friendly interviews with sports stars or musicians.

Remote Simultaneous Interpreting is a very interesting new service which I can offer through a variety of platforms, working from my home office.

Professional Ethics and Confidentiality

I do simultaneous, consecutive and whispering interpretation at conferences, business meetings and wherever else a high standard of interpretation is required. In 2017 I started offering RSI (remote simultaneous interpreting) on a variety of platforms.
I also offer written translations, mainly into my native language, German.
As a member of AIIC, the only world-wide organisation of conference interpreters, I adhere to the strict standards of professional ethics and confidentiality set by my association. Schweizer Finanzministerin Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf in Mailand mit Italiens Finanzminister Pier Carlo Padoan, Dolmetscherin Christine Weise

My job is finding the right words for you exactly when you need them.

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